​The Case for Testing RMT in Tune-In/Acquisition

RMT’s method was developed using a form of tune-in. You might call it “requested tune-in”. The viewer pressed a button on the remote to request a recommendation of what to watch. The system used set top box data and RMT’s psychological encoding system for TV shows. 18% of the recommendations turned into a conversion of a household into a loyal viewer of a series they had never watched before.

Today, a network can use the Research Measurement Technologies (RMT) system to find programs on other networks which can be bought as tune-in ad vehicles inexpensively, where the psychological makeup of that show is highly overlapped with the psychological makeup of your show to be advertised, whether for tune-in or streaming acquisition or both combined.

This is very much like the way your tune-in agency now picks shows to place tune-in ads in, except that only the obvious examples can be found without the RMT system. In a typical tune-in assignment RMT found over 3400 shows qualified as sufficiently resonant to make a positive difference. RMT also reports run of network and rotation opportunities for minimizing CPM.

Simmons found that the RMT system is more than six times as powerful for tune-in as RMT is for CPG, where Nielsen’s NCS found an average +36% sales lift increase. That’s because it was developed based on a form of tune-in.